Epoch Timesheet iOS app

Capture your
time, anywhere
with ease


We built an application that allows team members within a project to capture their timesheets in real time. Our team of developers and designers had to give careful thought as to how the app would be used in order to meet the end users needs.

Epoch Timesheet iOS app
The challenges

The challenges that teams face

Teams may often times find themselves filling in timesheets at the very last minute, leading to incorrect time entries for that particular project.

The Solution

Epoch is an application that allows Team Members within a project to update their timesheets on the go as opposed to doing it manually on paper.

The solution


A smooth User Experience

With Epoch, Individuals can reap the benefits of using the application. Here’s how it makes the work process much easier for Project Managers and Team Members.

  • Edit timesheets in real time
  • Monitor project activity
  • Add or remove members
  • Keep track of leave days
The features

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